Windows Live Writer is an application from Microsoft that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog. Unlike most of the blogging tools which are web based, Windows Live Writer is a free downloadable WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) application that runs on your computer. With WYSIWYG editor you can author a post and know how it will look like before it is published it on your blog.
Windows Live Writer knows the styles of your blog such as fonts, colors, headings, block quotes, background images, margins and paragraph spacing and allows you to edit your post using these styles.Windows Live Writer will be useful for writers looking for a faster, simpler way to post to blogs.
It works with most of the blogging platforms, which includes Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, LiveJournal and others. To publish your post just create a Windows Live Writer weblog account by providing it your site url and logging details. You can create multiple weblog accounts for your different blogs. Just choose the weblog account you want to publish to, create your post and publish it, so simple!